Tuesday 6 August 2013

The Thai harvest

I saw this picture in a museum of Thai life in Ubon, the town I will be living in when I move to Thailand. 
What are these Thai farmers waiting for? Probably rain. Perhaps blessing. Perhaps prosperity. But although they may not yet realise it, certainly they are waiting for the kingdom of heaven to come to them. 
The good news is, it has. The Kingdom of heaven is near to them. 
But how will they know? 

How will they know that the all powerful Creator of the Universe loves them with an everlasting love? That He has redeemed them with the most precious gift he could ever have given - His Son. That He longs to gather them in his arms, as a hen gathers her chicks. (Luke 13:34) 

Farmers like this make up 50% of the population in the Isaan Province, the Northeastern province in the map, an area slightly larger than England and Wales together, with a population of 21.5 million. The province is the poorest in Thailand, both materially & spiritually. There is 1 Christian in over 1000 people.

Matt 9:36-38 When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them because they were confused and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. He said to his disciples, “The harvest is great, but the workers are few. So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers into his fields.”

I am thrilled to hear how God is drawing people from around the world to join the team in Isaan. God is certainly on the move! I am hoping to join the team in Autumn this year. I pray that God moves the hearts of many to pray for this dry & barren land.

If you're interested, click on the link below to see an excellent video made by my team leaders about the needs of the Isaan people. Isaan: Ignite the Impossible

"In the process of engaging lostness, we need a God-sized vision, a thoughtfully Biblical strategy, a good plan and a willingness to work diligently to achieve the goals God has put in our hearts. But make intercessory prayer support a higher priority than anything else, because it is the only possible way to see many lost souls become fully-devoted followers of Jesus" ~ from Miraculous Movements, by Jerry Trousdale