Tuesday 27 January 2015

More than we dreamed

Ephesians 3The Message (MSG)

20-21 God can do anything, you know—far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, his Spirit deeply and gently within us.

Another Friday at the cancer hospital
Why does it always feel so hard?
Short of time, energy and motivation, distracted.
But little did we know, the Spirit had plans.

Over oranges on bamboo beds, Phii Aw unloads
Tragedy, grief and cancer have together eaten her hope.
But Hope breaks in, resonates as Truth.
For the poor in spirit the Saviour has come.

Her eyes brighten, her spirit responds
The week before Christmas a new child is born!
The angels rejoiced, and we did on earth
This new child in the kingdom shares with all who would hear.

In the outpatients ward they gossiped the good news -
“We don’t turn on the TV, we hear stories of Jesus”.
Within a week, she had read through Luke
Though poor and unschooled, she lapped up the Truth.

“I want what she’s got” … as hunger sparked hunger -
“Tell me more about Jesus” pleaded her room-mate, Kaap.
Though we of little faith were slow to see,
The Spirit was at work, more than we could have believed.

A Bible study for one was delivered to three –
Thirsty hearts drank it in, “this story is about me.”
“Could there really be a love like this?
If this is really true, then I want in.”

So from one to three new daughters of Christ
Their joy none could fathom, they had found new life.
Open hearted, unashamed, they wear with pride
Love for their Saviour, hunger for His light.

In this short window of relationship, seeds have sprouted
Now back in their homes may fires of faith be ignited.
The King’s kingdom consists of such childlike faith
In his Faithful hands we leave Aw, Kaap and Phen.