Wednesday 26 August 2015

Travels with Jesus

I have been blessed to be able to go away with my family, attend my brother's graduation, attend Focus conference with the Mariners church family, and meet with my Pioneers UK leaders for a time of debriefing, among many other things. There has already been a lot of travelling since I've been back, and there is more to come. 

While it is a joy to see so many of you in this way, and I am utterly thankful to God for providing a car (my old car, no less!) I was not looking forward to travelling alone. That was when Daddy reminded me that I will not be alone. Jesus will be in the plane and in the car with me. And so it has become a joy. 

Isn't that a life lesson for all of us? I am realising that Satan would like nothing better than for us to be bound by fear - fear of what will or won't happen, never-ending "What ifs" hanging over us like ominous clouds, stealing the joy of the present moment. And yet Jesus longs for us to simply trust Him. He has always been faithful. 

Time and again I have been like Martha, "worried and concerned about many things" because is my limited understanding and imagination, I don't know how things are going to turn out tomorrow. In my attempts to control what I cannot control, I lose today's joy in worrying about tomorrow, only to find that tomorrow is in Daddy's hands and I needn't have worried. That's not to say everything will always be easy. But there is always enough grace. 

There are so many testimonies of how Daddy's taking care of me at the moment. One that I want to share is an answered prayer. I had shared a concern with a group of friends from my home church and they had covered the need in prayer - the need for a ministry partner in the coming months. The very next day I received a text message from a team member in Ubon, saying she can't wait for me to come back so that we can do a particular ministry together! How good is our Father?