Sunday 28 February 2016

Snapshots of Surin

We pray in each district we visit (this time with a Cambodian team), realising it is probably the first time God has been worshipped there, maybe ever. 
Lady selling betel-nut. 

Khmer (Cambodian) style architecture
on the temple gate

Shelling tamarind with a family while 'gossiping the gospel'

The ancestors spirits just entered this new house
... hence the ladder

On a survey trip, we primarily have three aims:
To worship & pray in areas with no churches, 
to meet with families in villages and learn
about Khmer Surin culture, sharing hope as 
we have the opportunity. 

I am collecting Scriptures that I regularly pray
over Surin. One of these is Mal 1:11,14

"My name will be great among the nations, 
from the rising to the setting of the sun. For I
am a great King, and my name is to be feared
among the nations."

A gorgeous view from a hilltop temple (Me with Judah Tong)

How Isaan kids occupy themselves when the adults are out
- making roofing!
This is a city shrine to the wild elephant spirit. The ropes of bondage are what is being worshipped.

This man used to be a believer, a long time ago. Here I have encouraged him to return to God,
and he has just downloaded a Bible App on his phone. Pray for this family.