Friday 27 January 2017

Mountains moved

The new year has brought with it a new season. A season I have longed for, where the battle eases. Where persevering prayer bears fruit and mountains are moved. I have struggled at times to see the silver lining amidst all the grey in the past 5 months... but together we clung to hope, believing that through all the messes, God would work good. And so this month, I am celebrating with relief. Celebrating the grace gifts my Father has given me, hopeless situations he has moulded into beauty. Some of these I can't share publicly, but here are some I can.

After several attempts that did not work, I now have a language teacher I have already grown to love. She is Mae Nope, a joyful, faith-filled, motherly helper God has prepared for me here in Surin. She and her husband have just begun a long awaited dream of building their own house. From cutting down trees to mixing cement, this hardworking pair make me marvel at the abilities God has built into each one of us. And yet she says she feels called to set aside a couple of hours of her day to help me learn Khmer. Pray for this relationship to blossom and bless us both, and for learning to be consistent and fruitful. 

He has also provided a staff worker we need to help us with government paperwork in the Foundation branch we are opening here. In the last several months we had been trying and not found anyone suitable. We finally talked to the church pastors to ask if they could recommend anyone. They racked their brains and came up with no ideas... except to take it to the prayer meeting that was about to begin. At the end of the meeting, a lady called Mot came up to say she thought she could help. We met with her and she does seem to fit the bill. We're still at the beginning stages, and next week are attending a staff worker and branch manager (that's me) training. Pray the training is clear and gives us confidence in this complicated role. Also that if she is the right person, she will stay with us and help us consistently and effectively, long term. 

Praise Him for a sticky visa situation resolved in November, making us legal to stay here in Surin while we await paperwork from the government to open our branch. Pray for this paperwork to be received quickly, and for my visa application next month to go smoothly, so that I can receive another 1 year visa without any problems.

As we wait to officially open our branch, we have had many opportunities to go out in surrounding villages and meet people. Much fruit has come out of these meetings - we have met village leaders and school head teachers to make plans to work together in the coming months to teach Child Protection. Most exciting has been an opportunity to get to know a family in a nearby village who came together to meet us and hear a Jesus story. This month we led our first Discovery Bible Study in Surin with a group of 9 adults, discussing the story of the demon possessed man. Pray for a hunger for God to take hold of their hearts! 

One of the relatives was a 59 year old man dying of stomach cancer... the thinnest man I have ever seen. We visited him 3 times, each time sharing about God and praying for his healing. Last week I felt an urgency to share the gospel with him. He seemed to be more alert than usual, and listened with interest. He wanted to know what he would have to do if he became a child of God. He wanted to know more by reading the Scriptures before he came to a decision. We went to see him this week, expectant. Instead, we arrived at his funeral. I was deeply saddened and shaken by the urgency of our task. We will never know whether the Spirit led him to a decision before his final moments. At least he has the opportunity to hear the truth before it was too late. Walking with the the funeral procession, I felt moved with compassion. These are the lost children, harassed and helpless, sheep without a shepherd. Ask the Lord of the harvest to send out hundreds and thousands of harvesters in Surin, until every villager has access to a church and every household has heard the good news! 
Ot, a friend I am getting to know at church

Lastly, and very importantly, God is providing local friends. Lovely young women who I am slowly getting to know. It takes time and patience. But at least I am seeing glimmers of hope for friendships. Praise God for Yu, Jum, Noi and Benz. None of them know the Lord. But I pray one day they will. Pray with me for these and other friendships to blossom and be a mutual blessing.  

Prayers are answered, joy is restored. But I am keenly aware of the lessons learned in the waiting, and in the fire. They could have been learned no other way. I am thankful that our God is Lord over every season in our lives. And thankful that seasons change!