Sunday 23 December 2018

More than the trimmings

I grew up in India, thinking Christmas was about making cards decorated with snowy scenes I had never experienced. I'd seen Santa do his rounds, admired Christmas trees helping to sell things in shop windows. In Thailand Christmas is just another working day. But the trimmings have trickled down anyway and some even decorate their windows with snow spray in the 35 degree heat of Thai winter!

Teaching a music lesson here in the UK, I discovered the children's best efforts to focus their song-writing on the 'real meaning of Christmas' stretched to spending time with family. A teacher said to me "I hate Christmas, really. It's such an effort."  Even a simple grocery shop can turn into an emotionally charged event where 'Christmas' seems to overwhelm your senses with music and food and drink and gifts, and longing to enjoy it all with family.

It's amazing how far Christmas has come from Jesus.

He traded the perfection of heaven for a grotty little stable to say we matter.

He covered His glory in flesh to tell us He understands.

The all-powerful became vulnerable, so we would know he cares.

He became one of us, so we could be one with Him.

He loved the unlovely, He gave love a name

He called the unworthy so we'd know we could never earn Him

The perfect one gave Himself for the imperfect, so we could be like Him.

Christmas means hope

For life to be made new

God dwelling with us.