Sunday 13 January 2019

Cultivate the Conversation

"Hey, I hear you're in town. Come over if you have some time, it'd be great to catch-up!" 
You can't beat messages like this when they ping up on your phone. To know that someone is reaching out to me, wants to spend time with me - what an invitation. 

"I just wanted to call you, even if it was only for 5 minutes... how are you doing?" 
It makes my heart fill with the warmth of being loved, cared about. It makes me trust them - they have my back.  

What about when the phone is silent and your diary shows empty evenings? The longing for connection can be pushed down but it's always there. We're made for connection. Relationship gives us fiercely independent people something we don't think we want, but what we actually need most. The joy of being known and heard, and wanted and loved. Sometimes it takes those lonely moments to remind us of the Father's heart. He's the One who designed connection, wired us for it. 

And He's no sadist, creating us one way and denying us that very thing. He is Connection itself, the triune God in perfect relationship. He is the meeter of that deepest of needs. He is the invisible passenger in the car as I drive home from work. He's the One holding me close when I need a hug. He's with me as I shop for groceries and is the only one who can bear with me in the morning grumps! He doesn't just want to do the serious stuff with me, but the fun stuff too. He created the whole range of emotions and we can share each one with Him. 

"I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you." (John 15:15-17)

We've been trusted with a treasure richer than our wildest imagination - friendship with the Creator of the universe. Why do we so often spurn it for friends with skin on? He is always with us, he has shared everything with us. His desire is for us. Yep, it's that simple. For you. He desires to share your day with you. He'd love you to tell him about the big anxieties weighing on you and let Him take care of them so you can live light. But he'd also love to be with you while you live light, enjoying the aroma of coffee filling your nostrils and taking time with friends. 

The hardest part is waking up our senses to actually be aware of Him. Once we are, friendship flows naturally, because He is irresistible. He is the source of every good thing in your life. Let's remind ourselves today, to talk to Him in our hearts. Cultivate conversation with God. Give yourself permission to whisper your love to Him, or have a natter with Him in the car on your way home, sing at the top of your lungs, shout out a rant when that's your present reality. Breathe Him in as you walk by the river, laugh with Him about that crazy incident earlier. He's with you, and loves your friendship. 
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