Sunday 10 February 2019

Where did that year go?

Already, it is a year since I returned from Thailand.

A year of "I can understand literally
every word you're saying"
And a year of "Sigh. I'm losing my Thai."

The relief of 'at home'
and the ache of missing my Thai home.
Enjoying a roast dinner and craving somtam.

Of frustration with British reserve
but gratitude for their time keeping.

Energy of new routines, fresh starts and flexible schedules
of wondering, "Surely Someone has planned all this for me"

A year of possibilities
Of longings fulfilled
Fresh longings birthed.

Uncertainty unwrapped to find
the unknown held by the One who knows.
Father's hand in mine.

Today marks one year of change
and one more year of peace
in the One God who doesn't change.