Tuesday 22 December 2015

Surin - the jigsaw comes together

How could I be called to the Isaan people... but also the Cambodians?  

In 2007 I first had a clear sense of my long term calling to overseas mission and specifically to unreached people in Southeast Asia. Then in 2010 I felt sure that He had called me to serve in Cambodia. Only in 2013 did I realise through my appointment with Pioneers, that Cambodians were now considered a 'reached' people group - meaning the local church had grown large and strong enough to reach its own people. And unexpectedly, as I turned my attention to the unreached people groups in Isaan, Thailand I had a strange peace that this was right too. Everyone seemed in agreement and my own spirit confirmed it. It felt right. I didn't understand the whole Cambodia thing - had it been a mistake?

Surin (red), in relation to Isaan (orange) and Thailand.
Since coming to Isaan in 2013, I spent the first year learning Thai language full time. The second year I was starting to be more involved in ministry with less time in language learning, all the while praying about our team vision - where did God want me to go within Isaan? Our team vision includes splitting into 5 smaller teams for 5 of the least reached provinces within Isaan. Of the 5, I have leaned towards 1 called Surin ever since I came, because it borders Cambodia. Last year it looked like there was a team coming together to work there, then everything fell through and I was back to square one.

But as we prayed, God was working. When I returned in October this year after my first home assignment, I met a family who has just joined our team here. They are called the Tongs - a Cambodian man (Koeun) married to an American lady (Danielle) and 2 very cute kids aged 3 and 5. They came to Isaan specifically to minister to the Surin people group. As soon as I met them, I sensed a spiritual and personality 'click' that I haven't had until this point with anyone in the team. I said to Danielle after our first proper (3 hr) chat, that she was the answer to my prayers - God had sent someone really on the same page, a good fit for me to minister on a small team with. The more I have got to know the family since then, the more I feel they are a good fit for me to work with.
The Tongs, with me and a missionary we met in Surin 

That very day, I also discovered a Ministry Plan I'd written back in 2013 when I first came - and it said on it that long term I was headed to the Surin province. That was geographical confirmation. Even the style of ministry I'd written about on that Plan fitted exactly the style Danielle had talked about using. Only God could do this!

As excitement built however, fear also built. Surin is well known for 2 things in Thailand - elephants, and black magic. Thai people I talked to started sowing seeds of fear - "If you go to Surin, be careful, it's dangerous". Black magic spells and potions aren't fantasy in Surin, they are reality, and are responsible for controlling and destroying many lives. Then there was the local language - "It's so different from Thai. It's going to be such hard work. Do you even want to bother?"... the voices in my head went. Khmer-Surin people speak a mixture of Thai and Khmer (Cambodian). It really makes no sense to me at all when I hear it. They usually speak Thai too, but their heart language is not Thai.

On a survey trip, meeting people following nudges of the Spirit
Without my realising, these internal fears built. Until one day, they erupted in my quiet time. As I poured it all out to God, He spoke many words to me - clear, strong affirmations that brought with them great peace. That is what I needed. The same week, several different and unrelated people gave me words about dispelling fear. It also made sense of the words I had received at Hope Church before I left. Fearlessness was to be part of my calling, and I didn't have to conjure it up. He is giving and will give it to me, over and over He spoke it.

Since then I have been to Surin 3 times on Survey trips. Each time we have sensed His presence. There has been no fear. We see Him leading our footsteps. And I see him preparing people to work together. A couple on my team is also prayerfully considering joining this team. Again it is a good fit. Better than any of us could have engineered.

On a survey trip - praying through districts with no churches
Surin is hard ground. There is thick darkness there. But the light shines brightest in those places, and I am hopeful. I have always struggled with the not knowing - the uncertainty about my next step. Wanting to know and worrying about whether I will hear God when He speaks. What a comfort to be reminded that when He speaks, it is always in a way we will understand. It is always for our good. And His words come with the power to accomplish them! I am hopeful, I am expectant. Most of all, I am amazed at our good, good Father. All along, he was calling me both to the Cambodians, and to the Isaan. Who would have thought it - I am called to the Cambodian Isaan - the 'Khmer Surin', and with a bunch of great people that God is even now bringing together!

For a video made by the Tongs on the Khmer-Surin people, click here.

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